This is for those who remember the good times when United and Bally Bingo Pinballs could be played everywhere. The glory days of these magnificent electromechanical machines may be long gone, but you can definitely revive playing them again. With next-best-than-the-real-thing Bingo Pinball simulations you’ll hardly notice the difference...
To play all 80 simulations, Bingo Pinball Gameroom is required. Free to download on Steam, world’s largest games platform. Bally Show Time is included, free to play.
Some people want to go a step further to the-real-thing experience by building a real Cabinet connected to a computer running the Bingo games and an LCD-screen as backglass. Bingo Pinball Gameroom and almost all Bingo tables are ready to be controlled by such a Cabinet. Not an easy job though; a controller like an Arduino or Raspberry with a SerialUSB interface is required to connect Cabinet and computer. Here you can read a helpfile describing the process of establising communication.
If your plans become more definite you can download 'Bingo Cabinet Simulator' here, a helper for testing communication between a real Cabinet and suitable Bingo games.
James Mclaren and Ian Brown have it all working! They took a real Bingo Cabinet and an Arduino controller which they connected to the Bingo Simulations. James published a set of very helpful documentation, including sourcecode ready to upload to an Arduino Mega. In 2025 the souce is overhauled, thoroughly tested and updated, documentation refreshed by Ian and myself, and is free to download.
Ian Brown’s machine: a modified real Bingo Cabinet, connected to a PC running Bingo Pinball Gameroom and games.
Bingo related links
Everything there is to know about all Bingos ever produced. Starting point for me before programming a new simulation.
Bally Bingo's in Britain
Newsgroup all about Bingos. If you own a Bingo machine, here are some people who can help if you have any issues.
Frans PilgerBally Bingos in Holland
Stories and lots of photos about restoring old Bingo machines to a brandnew state. Big help for me. The man really knows a lot about Bingos, reads schematics like a first grade schoolbook. When I'm not sure about someting, he's the one with the answer. I always ask for his opinion before publishing a new simulation.
Coos HakvoortBally Bingo Specials from Holland
Coos is an expert in making parts for Bingo restoration projects like buttons, platens, but most of all Backglasses. He has invested a lot of time to reproduce the perfect Backglass, including the sparkling mirror lines. And with success! Togeher with Frans he's a big help for me. Before publishing a new simulation, I always ask for his judgement.
Chris DadeBally Bingos in Britain
For making a simulation, graphics from the machine are essential. Chris used to produce Backglasses (now he has handed that over to Chris Hakvoort) and has highres graphics from a lot of Bingos. I was very pleased that he kindly provided me all the artwork I asked him.
Pinball Australia
Lot of information about Bingo machines and how they work in ‘human readable’ form.
Nick BaldridgeFor Amusement Only EM and Bingo Pinball Podcast
Listen to podcasts about Electro Mechanical Pinballs and Bingos. Nick also provided me photos and videos from his Turf King (one of my favorites), Bally Double Up and United’s Caravan.
Privacy policy
We do not collect, save, use or have access to any of your personal data – as location data, user's calendar data, contact information, reminders or photos – in any of our Bingo Pinball simulations for Mac or iOS.
What we do collect is technical data, including, but not limited to, initialization time and graphics performance related to your device model and Operating System, Table's game data as number of credits on the replay register, number of games played, credits played and won. The data is collected automatically during gameplay. It is completely anonymous without any link to personal data. They are used for analytics and app functionality only.
If a user sends a Bug Report or Feedback and includes his email address, we assume we can use this address for answering. We will never use such an address for advertising purposes or share it with any third party.
Donate to Bingo! Games
Thanks to all my beloved spammer friends, you can only contact us by using menu item Report bug/Feedback, available in all the games. In Bingo Gameroom it's under menu Help.
Or, maybe you can decipher this?
Let email be "bingo" plus "at" plus "bingopinball" plus "dot" plus "nl"